The longer I read the New Testament, the more I see how much revelation there is in it about women. Frank Viola and Mary DeMuth have given us deep insight into the lives of some key women who encountered Jesus in their new book, The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels. After the reconstructive narrative of each woman follows helpful material concerning issues raised in the stories, such as "Jesus and Women," "Jesus and the Pharisees," and "A Tale of Two … [Read more...]

UPON THE GROUND OF MEN? The seemingly endless versions of words that oppose other versions of words in the myriad of Bible translations, gave me thought as to why this is happening, even today. A variant multitude of Bible translations exists, each with their name and individual trademark upon their version of the Bible. The reason for this should be more than obvious to us. It is because of the many opinions of the various words that are used to express what each of the translation’s authors … [Read more...]

Questions with Jon Zens
Questions with Jon Zens By Nick Mackison, Scotland I recently sent Jon Zens a list of questions related to organic/house church issues. He kindly responded and I have his permission to print his answers here (in bold throughout). Dear Jon, Over the last year or so, I’ve become convinced of the biblical basis of the organic church espoused in much of your writings (along with those of Frank Viola and Steve Atkerson). JZ: The phrase “organic church” itself needs some important … [Read more...]

The Body With One Part?
In answer to the question, “Why don't women ever read or pray in Bethlehem's church services?” John Piper answered in part: But the real question, I think, they're asking is about the prayers of praise, the reading of the text, and the preaching, and none of those the women do at Bethlehem. And that is intentional. My reason is because—not that others have to see it this way—I view that moment and that place in … [Read more...]

CONFINED TO THE KITCHEN? The Lord Doesn’t Put Women in This Box
It breaks my heart to see the same worn-out ideas about the “woman’s role” parroted over and over again in source after source. During our recent travels a brother gave me an article, “The Godly Woman’s Role & Influence” by Marlin Kreider (Reaching Out, #69, 2011, Living Waters Mennonite Church, pp.5-6). I would like to deal with several aspects of this article in hopes of helping us discern … [Read more...]
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